Monday, 17 October 2011

Recce Shots

Shooting Calendar

This is our shooting calendar, highlighted are the days in October we are filming and in the boxes I have written where we are filming on what day. This is very useful because it helps us see exactly when we're filming in relation to today.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Risk Assessment

There are many risks when filming in unfamiliar and even sometimes in familiar places; equipment could malfunction and someone could get hurt etc.

But considering we're filming in the abandoned Steetley Magnesite, there are a lot more risks present. The site is abandoned and so there is obviously no medic available on site, and even entering the site is dangerous, as the people who inhabit the place collecting scrap metal don't take kindly to people coming in as they think they will be stealing their metal. As well as several health and safety risks involving rusting and unstable industrial materials; it is on the council's agenda to demolish the site.